In this dynamic world of insurance, Dolores Cogliano stands out as a seasoned professional specializing in Medicare. With a wealth of experience and a passion for guiding clients through the complexities of the healthcare system, Dolores brings a unique perspective to the industry.
Recently, I had the privilege of engaging in a captivating interview with Dolores, where I learned more about her professional journey, expertise, and the compassionate strategies that fueled the growth of her business into a successful empire, comprised of devoted clients who truly value and appreciate her services.
Our conversation touched upon various facets, from the significant influences shaping Dolores’s career to the strategic use of social media for increased visibility. Join me as we unravel the insights and wisdom shared by Dolores Cogliano during our enlightening discussion.
Dolores, tell us about how you got started in the insurance business, and how long you’ve been in the industry?
“Early on in life I was exposed to business. My Dad was an accountant, and I had a front row seat of watching him interact with his clients, and grow his business organically, through his devotion and strong work ethic. I began working for his company in the tax industry during my young adult years, where I remained until 2008. I was in the middle of renewing my New York State financial licenses that year, when the Medicare Modernization Act was initiated, which is when the Medicare program really changed. I took continuing Education courses to familiarize myself with this new Legislation affecting the Medicare program. The courses exposed me to Medicare, how to introduce the changes to the senior population, and how to help the seniors understand the ins and outs of Medicare. I was hooked on Medicare!
At the same time this was all going on, my Dad was turning 80, and I was exploring how I could help him get the best coverage we could find him. Funny thing, just so happens during these continuing education classes is where I happen to meet Rosamaria, so the combination of the 2 events going on in my life is what bridged my pathway into the Medicare industry.
For the past 18 years I’ve been focusing solely on Medicare. As my Dad moved into retirement and I began working with Rosamaria, it was an absolute pleasure watching her work similarly to my Dad, both having strong expert knowledge in their industries but aren’t black and white.”
Who’ve been your main mentors throughout your career?
“I would say the main influencers who had impact on where I am today, really were my Dad and Rosamaria. I find that very interesting, because they really are quite different individuals, right? I mean one is male and from an older generation where they did everything by pencil and paper, the other is obviously female working in an industry where everything is done electronically. But having said all that, their 100% the same in many ways, the main one being how they put their client first.
They both really modeled for me how to build lasting relationships in business by their ability to deeply connected personally to their clientele.
In return, their clients held them in the highest regard, earning them complete trust, which served as the cornerstone for building their businesses.”
Tell us a little bit about what marketing you’ve found to be successful for you along your journey?
“Well, that’s a really good question because I’m not prolific in marketing by any means, I just know that my clients like to hear from me regularly. I’ve built my business solely on referrals and word of mouth. I guess you could call me old fashioned because I do regular mailings and email blasts for birthdays, along with updates on relevant topics like Medicare fraud, and I sneak in a little bit of social media here and there. My clients love seeing my photo, so whatever I’m sending out I always try and include that. Seeing me I think brings them some level of peace and connection.
I subscribe to the TAIA blogs as another way to keep clients informed, which are great actually I don’t have to do anything, they are automatically uploaded to my website!
My goal this year is to focus on improving my reach-outs to my clients, whether it’s through email, mail, or social media, and this is where one of the benefits of working with TAIA and the marketing department will truly come in handy as I can hand this stuff off to the experts.
So Dolores, tell us a little about what the top 3 benefits you’ve found working with TAIA?
“Oh my goodness! Always having them at the other end! Rosa has always been my go-to person, and having her mentorship has been such a blessing. I’ve recently worked more with Abbie in Business Development who’s always devoted to resolving an issue with me. Kyle has always been there to help me with technology and website issues.
The back-office support has always been phenomenal to have. I like feeling I’m in a true partnership with TAIA. I can do my little niche well, but I like having the experts around me to support where I need it.
I also appreciate the Marketing department for help on any compliance issues because anyone in this industry knows how daunting that issue alone can be. With the latest CMS proposed changes, they are always changing things on us.
Well that’s a perfect segway into my next question- How do you stay up to date with changes in the insurance industry?
“I keep up with Rosa quite regularly on the emerging trends because I know she’s going to cut right through the mess and tell me what I need to know. Which is why I always stay up on my emails from TAIA, because I know Rosa is going to have her team tell us only what’s important.
Dolores, what’s some advice you would like to share to new agent who’s just starting out?
“Have strong communication with your clients, listen, ask all the questions, use your intake forms so you can get the full understanding of their needs to provide them with the best coverage.
I’ve always set a goal to bring my clients peace of mind to help them sleep at night and feel content with what they’ve enrolled in, and also help them understand that what they’ve enrolled in now is not locked into forever. They have opportunities to make plan changes at least annually or throughout the year. But then I also have to remind them that sometimes-certain plans that are available now may not be available to them. Next year following you may be subjected to medical underwriting in certain States. If you don’t choose a certain plan when you’re first eligible for it, then they will underwrite you if you want that plan down the road. So there’s a lot that I have to make clear and the better quality conversation that you create with the client, the more successful you’re going to be with them.
No surprises, no surprises, is really my motto.”
Alright, now for the fun stuff. We would love to know a little bit about Dolores, outside of Medicare sales, what’s your favorites in life?
“Well, look, I’ve spent my whole life helping people, and I can’t think of a better way to spend my time.
I do put a lot of energy into my work with nonprofits. A lot of my efforts are focused on developing awareness and funding rare diseases.
My son was born with a rare form of end stage renal disease, he’s already had 2 kidney transplants at 30 years old, so I’ve spent a lot of time researching his rare kidney disease and doing work with the National Kidney Foundation, which keeps me aware of new developments in the transplant industry.
I live in New York, so I really like the soup kitchens and volunteering when I can. I fund-raise a lot for the take-out service when we host the ‘white glove dinner night’ which is when we break out the white linens, and waiter service, and homeless folks really love to take their left-overs with them, so I help make sure they have the take-out packaging. It’s really an amazing event to be apart of.
As a hobby, I love car racing, and try to indulge my “Need For Speed” at the car racing track whenever possible!
For Entertainment, I love the theater! My current favorite show is MJ, The Musical… the story of the making of the Michael Jackson 1992 Dangerous Tour! I go the theatre as often as I can. Broadway is just in your blood when you live in New York City!
I live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I’m the single mom of 3 wonderful and accomplished 30-somethings. And, I have an extra special 13 year/old Great Pyrenees Rescue Senior Pup named Blondie. Who better to take care of a SENIOR Doggie … than me!

Dolores Cogliano, Medicare Specialist New York, New York.
TAIA would like to thank Dolores Cogliano for her incredible work she not only does in the Medicare industry, but also in her community and the impact she is making on those lives she’s touched. Your energy and spirit really do light up the industry, and we know your clients are so appreciative of your hard work and devotion to bringing them valuable service.
We appreciate you Dolores, and we look forward to strengthening our partnership with you this year.

Written by,
Shae Trombatore Marketing Strategist |