Category: Insurance Industry News

2023 Pat D Costs Update
Insurance Industry News

CMS Announces 2023 Medicare Part D Costs

It’s that time of year again, CMS has released next year’s Part D parameters for creditable coverage. To be creditable, the actuarial value of the coverage must equal or exceed

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AHIP 2022 Training with TAIA
Business Tips & Resources

AHIP Certification for 2022

MWFA training for 2022 opens today with AHIP training now available via their online portal. Find out how to get an AHIP training discount and more.

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How is the Gig Economy Shaping Insurance, TAIA Blog
Insurance Industry News

How is the Gig Economy Shaping Insurance?

With the rise of apps like Uber, Airbnb and more, what changes should agents and consumers be aware of when it comes to adequate coverage? Does working for on-demand jobs make someone an employee? Who carries the risk in a sharing-economy?

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Has insurance become too reliant on technology?
Insurance Industry News

Has insurance become too reliant on technology?

Technology is a necessity of the modern business world, especially in insurance. The efficiencies, cost savings, data and business insight that technology can provide will make us better as an industry and help us all to grow.

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Are Chatbots and AI Threats to Insurance Agents?
Insurance Industry News

Are Chatbots and AI Threats to Insurance Agents?

While chatbots and AI are instantly scalable, they still have limitations — for instance, some edge case scenarios still require interventions from human service agents. The other disadvantage is the lack of a genuine human connection.

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