Nationwide Home Care Plans for Seniors

We’re partnered with the sole provider of nationwide home care plans for seniors.  This session will cover frequently asked questions, empowering you to gain a deeper understanding of the product. […]

National Immunization Awareness Month

Happy August Brokers! AEP is fast approaching, and we are here to help you prepare!  Considering this month’s focus on Immunization Awareness, we want to ensure you’re well-prepared with the […]

New CMS Rule Changes

CMS Issues New Rule Changes Effective on September 30, 2023 Discover key highlights of the latest CMS rules that are set to take effect as of September 30, 2023. Stay […]

AHIP Certification for 2022

AHIP 2022 Training with TAIA

MWFA training for 2022 opens today with AHIP training now available via their online portal. Find out how to get an AHIP training discount and more.

AHIP Certification 2021 FAQ

AHIP Certification

AHIP certification is proof that you have completed training and you know how to sell plans in a way that is compliant with CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Most carriers will require this certification if you want to legally sell Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plans.

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