6 Mistakes Insurance Agents Make in a Sales Email

insurance agent sending a sales email

There are 6 common mistakes insurance agents make when sending a sales email that might make a lead pass up on your offer or your email altogether. To write the perfect email that will help you generate more sales, make sure you avoid these mistakes!

Is Telehealth Coverage Here to Stay?

senior man in telehealth appointment with doctor

COVID-19 has caused many obstacles for seniors. For one, many seniors did not, and still do not, feel comfortable with going to the doctors because of the high potential risks of being infected. Telehealth, a “technology to support long-distance clinical healthcare” (HealthIT), has now become the new normal for many seniors.

AHIP Certification 2021 FAQ

AHIP Certification

AHIP certification is proof that you have completed training and you know how to sell plans in a way that is compliant with CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Most carriers will require this certification if you want to legally sell Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plans.

How to Reach Career Goals in 5 Easy Steps

business woman pointing to target with bulls eye

If you are stuck in a rut and tired of spinning your wheels, or you’re just starting out as an agent looking for tips and tricks, here’s how to reach career goals in 5 easy steps.

These Things Will Make You Stand Out from Competitors

image depicting stand out from competitors

While many independent agents don’t have a large marketing budget, there are still things you can do to stand out from competitors. And it starts with paying attention to the small details that make a big difference in the eyes of your clients.

How To Rapidly Build Trust With Clients

insurance agent learning to build client trust with seniors

Learning to quickly build trust with clients will be the most important thing you can do for the longevity of your insurance business. We’ll show you how.

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