The Medicare Agent Blog

Client Retention Strategies, Client Retention, best Client Retention strategies

6 Unexpected Ways to Unlock Amazing Client Retention

Instead of wasting your time and money doing what everyone else is, use these client retention strategies to unlock amazing loyalty and client referrals. Don’t hustle anymore! Pick one of these strategies to start and then slowly scale your business from there.

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The Future of Social Security?

The Future of Social Security?

The government currently has no plan for what to do when the money runs short. What are the current possibilities in play? Here is Dr. Steven Weisbart, Chief Economist at the Insurance Information Institute.

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Has insurance become too reliant on technology?

Has insurance become too reliant on technology?

Technology is a necessity of the modern business world, especially in insurance. The efficiencies, cost savings, data and business insight that technology can provide will make us better as an industry and help us all to grow.

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Are Chatbots and AI Threats to Insurance Agents?

Are Chatbots and AI Threats to Insurance Agents?

While chatbots and AI are instantly scalable, they still have limitations — for instance, some edge case scenarios still require interventions from human service agents. The other disadvantage is the lack of a genuine human connection.

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Lower Health Care Costs Act, What Brokers Should Know

Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce Health Care Costs Contains Clause for Broker Transparency

Essentially, the Lower Health Care Costs Act is an attempt to make health care less expensive by advocating for transparency. What’s worth noting is that this bill contains a clause pertaining to brokers, specifically. Since we are still in the early stages of the bill, it is uncertain what revisions will be made, or if it will be passed. Nonetheless, remaining informed on potential changes will allow brokers to stay ahead of the curve.

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How to Get Online Reviews that Boost Insurance Sales

Phrases like “search engine optimization” might scare you, but you can’t ignore it any longer if you want to be effective. Set your business up for success by following our guide. We’ll show you how to get online reviews that are authentic and can boost your organic leads.

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